Shaping Your Future

The way we plan for.

Alex Kim

Principal Lawyer

Alex holds Juris Doctor from University of Melbourne, and is a member of Law Institute Victoria and the Tax Institute.
Alex provides Australian families with practical solutions for property acquisition and disposition especially where they run small business.
Alex also has good understanding on the current building and construction issues in the property market which avails him to provide the clients with better advice on property acquisition and disposition strategies.


Buying, selling or developing property is a lifetime decision for growth of your family’s wealth.

To this end, there are many aspects to be considered beyond mere conveyancing process. These include objectives of your plan, your family & business situation and structure of your business entities.
It is also important to analyse if there is any risk being posed in the property such as building defects, lease issues and/or tax implications.
Yet it is not so easy to find small law firms providing effective advice with an insight spanning these aspects. Ulsan Lawyers is looking after more than conveyancing.

Wills & Estate

Your will is your own statute regarding distribution of your asset which requires your own design on estate planning based on your own philosophy and legacy.

This is why you need to consider various issues that may bring significant impacts on estate such as your asset and business structure, tax & superannuation implications and types of beneficiaries.
Ulsan Lawyers can help your new will or reviewing your existing will so that your estate plan to be up to date in accordance with your wish.

Tax & Property

Tax is complex as there are many aspects to consider. 

When you are acquiring a property, you must consider as to whether you own it in your personal capacity or through trust, company or SMSF. With a smart planning, you can save tax money to boost your wealth.
In addition to your estate planning, Ulsan Lawyers will help you to structure your asset portfolio to reduce tax implications.

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1203/103 South Wharf Drive Docklands, VIC 3008


0450 707 873

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1203/103 South Wharf Drive Docklands, VIC 3008